Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822


Nursery School

Nursery Education Funded Places 

Hoyle Nursery School offers Nursery Education sessions for 3 and 4 year olds.

Your child is entitled to receive 15 hours free Nursery Education the school term after their 3rd birthday.

The Nursery Education sessions are Term Time only and times are as follows:

Morning session -  8.45-11.45am

Afternoon session -  12.15-3.15pm

School is open 8.00am-4.00pm. If you wish your child to access additional hours to top up your Nursery session these are payable on request.

Some children may be entitled to receive 30 hours free Nursery Education dependent on eligibility. This is for parents that are both in employment. 30 hour placements are Monday to Friday 8.45am-2.45pm.

Children who are funded within our Resourced Provision may have their hours adjusted to suit their individual learning needs for example drop off and pick up times will be arranged around less busy times.

 Follow this link for more information.


2 Year Funded Places

 Hoyle Nursery School offers 15 hours government funded places for those who qualify for 2 Year Funding.

If eligible your child will access provision the school term after their 2nd birthday. You can apply for 2 year funding by following this link.

Morning and afternoon funded sessions are term time only and times are as follows:

Morning session - 9.00-12.00 noon

Afternoon session - 12.30-3.30pm

School is open 8.00am-4.00pm. If you wish your child to access additional hours to top up your Nursery session these are payable on request.

Some children may be entitled to receive 15 hours free 2 year old Nursery Education dependent on eligibility. This is for parents that are both in employment. Please follow this link for more information.


Fee Paying Places - Term Time Only 

Hoyle Nursery School offers fee paying places for children who are not eligible for a Government funded place.

Please contact the School Business Manager for details of availability and the Fee Paying Charging Policy.

 Email - hoyle@bury.gov.uk or telephone 0161 761 6822


Before and After School Club

School opens at 8:00am and closes at 4:00pm (40 hours per week).

Children can access breakfast club from 8:00am-9:00am before their Nursery session starts and after school club from 2:45-4:00pm. Please speak to the School Business Manager if you wish for your child to access before and after School care.