Hoyle Nursery School

Chesham Fold Road, Bury, Lancashire BL9 6HR

0161 761 6822


Trauma Informed School

Life can get a little bit sticky sometimes. That's why we passionately believe being a Trauma Informed School is so important for us.


What does that all mean for us in school?


1) It means that we will be emotionally available for the children in our care.

2) It means we will give the children space and support to feel and experience all their emotions.

3) It means we will validate them and see them as individuals.

4) It means we will nurture positive relationships with them.

5) It means we have been learning about brain development and how stress and trauma can impact a child's developing mind.

6) It means that we will be curious as to why a child might be behaving in a certain way and ensuring that we meet their emotional needs.

7) It means that we know the power of our words and interactions as educators and how this may impact our practice.


We also follow the 'Think Equal' programme which helps prepare our children for tomorrow's world by building resilient, balanced and have happy minds alongside developing their mental well-being. This runs alongside our Trauma Informed Practice to equip all children with the knowledge, skills and tools to thrive in the modern world.